Monday, 13 September 2010

Title: The Big Step Up

Director: Olivia Board

Synopsis: (Convincing outline for your story)
My documentary is an information packed story about the life of two teenagers coping with the move up to year 13 from year 12.
Lauren Daley and Lisa Cochrane are two girls that attend Ravenswood School in Bromley. Their first big step was coming to the sixth form, as it is an all boys school, there is a big difference between all girls and a mixed sixth form! I have filmed their story around their subjects and how they feel they are doing educational wise. Also how after year 12 they have changed or become more involved in the school life.
I have captured the most stressful and most exciting parts of the move and how the cast of my documentary are feeling about the situation. 

Who are the target audience?
The target audience for my documentary is teenagers, maybe wanting to know how to cope with moving up to year 13, educationally and socially. Also its aimed at parents wanting to know if their child is capable of going to sixth form and what it is like.

Which short films have you looked at to help you get ideas?
I looked at the trailer to the film Slumdog Millionaire and realised that I didn't want to do a short film, I was more interested in doing a documentary on identity. Also the short film Matrix- Youth Take Over the Media inspired me as I realised a really simple idea for a film could seem enjoyable to watch.

What message do you hope the audience will understand from your film?
I hope that the audience that watch my film are able to take away good advice about sixth form and the best decisions when attending. I also hope that they understand that keeping up with deadlines and being on time plays a major part and that you only get one chance to make it right! 

The settings held for my documentary on identity were in school. Around school in places like the common room, a popular place for most of the students to gather and do work or socialise, as well as the hall. 
Also at home, after a day at sixth form I was interested in how they felt, whether some days were easier than others, did they have nights off? or did they have to work?

The cast in my documentary is two teenagers, ages 17 and 18. Lauren Daley and Lisa Cochrane, both from different secondary schools and taking different subjects, so I could benefit from two different opinions.  

Crew: The crew consists of myself and Jessica Renaud.

1 comment:

  1. The idea hasn't developed since we spoke in class - you need to spend time thinking through who these people are and what the issues are - specifically as they see them. YOu need to remember that even a documentary needs to have a structure so tell me how it starts, where it goes and how it will end. Also need more research detail. Redraft by Friday please.
